Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Impact of Open Source

Website Selection:

Courses Viewed:
1. Behavioral Finance: The Role of Psychology
2. Republic Book IV

In reviewing the open source websites offering free online lectures and courses, it was clear that online lectures and planned online courses have many differences. Although the lectures on this website were not intended to be used as stand-alone training, these lectures can be improved by going through the basic planning and design process to include all of the requirements for an effective online course which includes:

• A general introduction
• Learning objectives
• Learning activities to reinforce the learning process

In order to clearly define the differences between a planned asynchronous online course and a asynchronous lecture, two online lectures were reviewed and compared to the process of a planned online course. The comparative finding will help to determine the differences in the planning and designing of different types of distance-learning courses. Piskurich stated that “planning is critical” when delivering learning in both asynchronous and synchronous training.

Both courses were viewed using iTunes Video; both were selected from the Open Culture website, and both were university level lectures which were video taped and offered as online courses with no modification or designing to implement as an online course. There are several differences in the instructional lecture which made these courses non-conducive as a distance learning course, as follows:

Behavioral Finance: The Role of Psychology by G. Shiller
• No information provided as to the requirements of software
• No instructions on how to view
• No learning objectives were provided
• Instructor was pacing and fidgeting with his cell phone
• PowerPoint slides were displayed but no introduction to their meaning were provided

Ancient and Medieval Philosophy – Republic Book IV by D. O’Conner
• No learning objectives were provided
• No planned instructional activities to reinforce learning

Although the “The Republic Book IV” course offered increased design features making it slightly more conducive for the distance learner to access; for example, it provided information on the required software required to view the course; had instructions on how to launch the course and provided a general introduction, as well as follow-up assignments; neither lectures were carefully pre-planned or designed for a distance learning environment. “Many faculty maintain archives of lectures, notes and presentation online for student to review”(Simonson, p. 248), this does not provide for a carefully planned online course with activities to maximize active learning.

Dr. George Piskurich confirmed in his video program titled Planning and Designing Online Courses that “planning and designing is critical in both synchronous and asynchronous learning”. Teaching at a distance requires greater emphasis to be placed on the initial planning phase. In order for the course to offer a learner an effective learning experience, and provide the maximum benefit, an instructional designer must carefully plan and design the course in a “student-centered learning” format, which strongly promotes “active learning, collaboration, mastery of course material and student control over the leaning process” (Simonson p. 231-232).

There are four components that are critical to successful distance learning, they are: the learner, the content, the method and materials, and the environment. “These components must interact efficiently and effectively in order to produce a quality learning experience” (p.127). Each requiring careful planning and consideration.

Dr. George Piskurich recommends using the ADDIE, a systematic process that guides an instructional designer through the formal processes of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation for a training course.

In reviewing the first two steps of ADDIE which are imperative to the planning and designing process, the instructional designer should initially perform an “analysis, to identify the learning problem(s), to begin developing the goals and objectives, address the audience’s needs, review the existing knowledge of the audience, as well as any other relevant characteristics. During the analysis, the instructional designer also “considers the learning environment, any constraints, the delivery options, and the timeline for the project” (Carey, 1996). During the Design stage, which is a “systematic process of specifying learning objectives”, the instructional designers creates detailed storyboards and prototypes, and begins to develop the look and feel, identify the graphic design, select the user-interface and content which will be used (Carey, 1996).

By developing a well-planned course and identifying the learner’s needs to learn, the instructional designer will achieve the basis for the instructional design, “bringing it all together” (Piskurich) to ensure the learner achieves the maximum benefit and learning objectives of the course.

Dick, W., & Carey, L. (1996). The Systematic Design of Instruction (4th Ed.). New York: Haper Collins College Publishers.

Morrison, G., Ross, S., Kalman, H., Kemp, J. 2011. Designing Effective Instruction. 6th Edition Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Video: Dr. George Piskurich and instructional technologist Jacqueline Chauser; "Planning and Designing Online Courses"

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.

Website: Accessed on 6/2/11

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